Registration and call for Travel Awards are now open!

Poštovani, Prosleđujemo Vam informaciju o predstojećoj konferenciji ”ESN-HSN Joint Meeting in Naxos” koja će se održati od 18. do 21. maja 2025. godine u Naksosu, Grčka. Sve informacije o registraciji, slanju apstrakata i stipendiji možete naći na linkovima u nastavku mejlu. Dear all, We are pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission for the […]
Konkurs FARKA za naučni rad

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o konkursu za nagradu Fondacije Akad. R.K. Anđusa. FONDACIJA «AKADEMIK RADOSLAV K. ANĐUS» raspisuje konkurs za dodelu Nagrade za naučnu publikaciju mladog istraživača iz oblasti fiziologije i/ili biofizike za 2023/24 godinu. Uslovi Srdačan pozdrav, Info grupa DNS
Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025

Dear members, Registration for the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2025 is officially open! You can find the application link at the following address: When you click Register now, you will be redirected to the page where you need to enter the email you want to use to register for the congress. After entering your email and clicking on […]
Call for Abstract: Goettingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society >> March 26 – 29, 2025

Poštovani članovi DNS, Otvorena je registracija, kao i poziv za slanje apstrakata za predstojeći kongres koji organizuje Nemačko društvo za neuronauke, pod nazivom ” 16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society.” Dear Colleagues, we would like to inform you that the website for registration and abstract submission for the 16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society is open and […]
IBRO Grants, Events, Elections and more | IBRO Highlights – September 2024

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o IBRO predstojećim događajima, stipendijama i ostalim novostima! Srdačno, Info grupa DNS ContentsNews and Events | IBRO in Action | Career Development | Journals | Members and Partners News and Events Connect with IBRO at SfN 2024! IBRO looks forward to meeting the neuroscience community at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Neuroscience 2024, from 5-9 October, […]
Otvorene 2 postdoktorske pozicije

Poštovani članovi, Sa zadovoljstvom vam prosleđujemo informaciju prof. dr Ivana Milenkovića o raspisanim postdoktorskim pozicijama na Odeljenju za fiziologiju, u okviru humane medicine na Univerzitetskom medicinskom centru u Oldenburgu. Detaljnije informacije možete pronaći na linkovima u nastavku Job advertisement Job advertisement Physiology Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
WIN Global Scholars Programme 2024-25, University of Oxford – Open for applications until 5 Sept

THE WIN GLOBAL SCHOLARS PROGRAMME (WINGS) 2024-2025 IS OPEN FORAPPLICATIONS! The WINGS Programme is aimed at PhD students and early careerresearchers working with neuroimaging in countries with low investmentin research training and infrastructure*. We will select up to fivecandidates, who will be remotely affiliated with the Wellcome Centre forIntegrative Neuroimaging [1], University of Oxford, […]
Permanent Research Associate Position in Neurodegenerative Disease Research – Zagreb

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam otvoren poziv za stalnu radnu poziciju u laboratorijiza istraživanje neurodegenerativnih bolesti na Institu Ruđer Bošković uZagrebu.Šef laboratorije je dr Silve Katušić ( Srdačan pozdrav,Info grupa DNS Research Associate_permanent position in Neurodegenerative Disease Research
Invitation to register for the upcoming NCAMH Webinar: “The Value of Global Collaboration: Building Capacity for a More Equitable Scientific Landscape”

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećem NCAMH vebinaru na temu: “The Value of Global Collaboration: Building Capacity for a More Equitable Scientific Landscape” koji će se održati 12. Septembra 2024. god. u 16h. Link za prijavu je u nastavku mejla. Dear Selma Kanazir, We are thrilled to officially invite you to the upcoming public Neuroscience […]
INVITATION – IGSIN911 – fMRI course 2024

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o školi fMRI. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS, Invitation to: PhD-Course in functional neuroimaging (fMRI) (3 ECT’s) October 21 – 25, 2024 University of Bergen, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology The course is intended to PhD students holding a Master degree in neuroscience, psychology, natural sciences or equivalent, as well as […]
Two MNS fellowships for young MNS researchers to attend CISS2024 Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024 (July 15-19, 2024)

Poštovani članovi DNS, Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, Mediteransko društvo za neuronauke dodeljuje 2 stipendije mladim naučnicima za učešće na XXI CISSN 2024 – Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024, više infomracija u nastavku. Srdačno, Info DNS MNS is supporting the upcoming XXI CISSN 2024 – Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024 (July 15-19, 2024), organized by […]
Конгрес септембар 2024

Поштовани чланови друштва, Прослеђујемо вам позив за Пети међународни конгрес Српског друштва за митохондријалну и слободно-радикалску физиологију, Redox Biology: A Paradigm of the Foundation of Life, који ће се одржати од 27-29. септембра 2024. године у Свечаној сали Ректората Универзитета у Београду. Организацију конгреса подржавају сви релевантни факултети и институти Универзитета у Београду и целе Србије, а […]
ICPBR Summer School in Non-Human Primate Systems Neuroscience (Sept 9-15, 2024)

Poštovani članovi, Šaljemo vam poziv za letnju školu koja će se održati od 09. do 15. Septmebra u Šangaju, Kina. Detaljne informacije možete pronaći na linku u nastavku mejla. Dear all, The*International Center for Primate Brain Research (ICPBR)*, directed by Nikos Logothetis and Mu-Ming Poo, proudly announces the*_ICPBR Summer School in Non-Human Primate Systems Neuroscience_*, […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub – Travel and Accommodation Stipend Application Now Open

Dear members, We are excited to announce that the application for the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub – Travel and Accommodation Stipend is now open! Application Deadline: Sunday, March 29th, 2024. As part of our commitment to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, we are offering travel and accommodation stipends to selected participants residing outside of Belgrade. This […]
STREAMLINE letnja škola

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv za letnju školu u Solunu. Obaveštavamo Vas da u junu ove godine organizujemo letnju školu pod nazivom “Identification of key genes and novel drug targets for neurodevelopmental disorders ” u Solunu, Grčka. Škola je namenjena PhD studentima sa prostora Zapadnog Balkana i troškovi učešća, transporta, smeštaja i ishrane biće pokriveni […]
Call for Symposia – Göttinger Tagung 2025

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv predsednika Nemačkog društva za neuronauke za predlaganje simpozijuma za Getingensku konferenciju 2025.god (26-29 mart). Rok za prijavu je 23.februar 2024. CALL FOR SYMPOSIA From: NWG []Sent: petak, 02. februar 2024. 15:09To: NWGSubject: Call for Symposia – Göttinger Tagung 2025 Dear Dr. Kanazir,With the letter below from Dr. Frank Kirchhoff, I would like to kindly remind […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2024 – produžen rok za predaju apstrakta

Poštovani članovi Društva, Ovim putem Vas obaveštavamo da je rok za prijavu apstrakta za konferenciju Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2024 produžen do 24. februara 2024. godine za učesnike koji nisu članovi ISTAART organizacije, odnosno do 28. februara za članove ISTAART-a. Podsećamo vas da je konferencija hibridnog tipa (22.-25. aprila) i da će se segment konferencije koji je uživo održati 24.-25. […]
Bordeaux Summer School

We are pleased to inform you that we will be organizing a summer school on “Neural circuits of pain: from physiology to pathology” from June 10 to 14 at the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, in collaboration with the CERVO Institute in Quebec City and INCI in Strasbourg. The school will include a theoretical part, with […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024 poziv za apstrakte i registraciju

Poštovani članovi društva, Ovim putem vas obaveštavamo da je registracija za konferenciju Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024 otvorena. Možete se registrovati na sledećem linku: Podsećamo vas da će se konferencija održati održati 24. i 25. aprila 2024. godine u prostorijama Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, kao i da je registracija besplatna! U prilogu se nalazi program konferencije. • Važno! Poziv za […]
The Call for Symposia proposals for the bi-annual meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG) 2025

Dear All, The Call for Symposia proposals for the bi-annual meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG) is open. The call is not restricted to our members but we explicitly want to encourage neuroscientists from abroad as well, and especially from the European neuroscience community. Proposals from any field of neurosciences are welcome. Please be so […]
REGISTRATIONS OPEN | EpiC2024 Epilepsy Conference | 5-7 June 2024

We are glad to announce that registration and abstract submission to the International EpiC2024 Epilepsy Conference is now open. EpiC2024 marks the closure of the EpiEpiNet EU-project and gathers researchers to discuss pathophysiology and novel strategies to treat epilepsies and its comorbidities (cognitive impairments, sleep disturbances, anxiety, among others). Seizures/epileptogenesis can have multiple causes such as brain […]
Novi modul doktorskih studija- KOGNITIVNE NEURONAUKE

Poštovani članovi Društva, U nastavku mejla možete pronaći informacije o novom modulu doktorskih studija na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, a koji mogu upisati studenti PSIHOLOGIJE, BIOLOGIJE i MEDICINE. Više informacija možete pronaći na linku: НАЗИВ МОДУЛА: КОГНИТИВНЕ НЕУРОНАУКЕ УСЛОВИ ЗА УПИСПосебни: лица са завршеним интегрисаним академским студијама из медицинских наука у трајању од […]
[NENS-schools] The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics – Applications for MSc & PhD are now Open

CONNECT WITH US PhD Topics for the Academic Year 2023-2024 —
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference 2023

Dear colleagues, We kindly invite you to submit a symposium proposal for the upcoming SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference, SNC’23 – the 10th international neuroscience meeting which covers a wide array of neuroscience topics from molecular to clinical levels. SNC’23 will take place from September 28 to 30, 2023, with live presentations at the University of Ljubljana, […]
[NENS-schools] NENS exchanged grants: replaced by FENS/IBRO-PERC Fellowships

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećim otvorenim pozivima za grantove koje dodeljuju FENS/IBRO-PERC u 2023. godini. Good morning, This is to simply inform you that the NENS exchange grants program ceased to exist starting in 2023, being replaced by the FENS/IBRO-PERC fellowships. These fellowships (up to 4.000 EUR each) are dedicated to MSc, PhD and postdocs. There […]

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o IX međunarodnoj školi i konferenciji – PHOTONICA2023, koja će se održati od 28.08.- 01.09.2023 god. u Beogradu. Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to IX International School and Conference on Photonics – PHOTONICA2023, which will take place between August 28th and September 1st, 2023, in Belgrade, Serbia. PHOTONICA2023 […]
Poziv za iPSCs prolećnu školu

Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to announce our Spring school: “iPSCs as a tool for modeling disease and discovering molecular mechanisms of NDDs” as part of the STREAMLINE project funded by the European Union. The Spring school will be held at the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade (IMGGE), […]
ISN-ESN 2023 Porto, Portugal I Registration Open!

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o kongresu ISN-ESN Porto, Portugal, koji će se održati od 08-11. avgusta 2023 god. ISN-ESN 2023 Porto, PortugalRegistration Open! Dear Prof Dr Pavle, R. Andjus, The International Society of Neurochemistry (ISN) and the European Society of Neurochemistry (ESN) are pleased to invite you to ISN-ESN 2023 Meeting from August 8 to August 11, 2023. Meeting registration […]
8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society – Second announcement – Registration is now open!

Dear Colleagues, The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (31 May – 02 June 2023) will take place in Belgrade Youth Center. Download the Preliminary Program. We encourage you to present your recent work and to learn about research from our distinguished colleagues from Serbia and abroad. The official language of the Congress is English. The aim […]
First announcement – VIII kongres Društva za neuronauke Srbije

Poštovani članovi, Obaveštavamo vas da će VIII kongres Društva za neuronauke Srbije biti održan u Beogradu u Domu Omladine, od 31.maja do 2.juna, 2023.godine. Prvo predavanje će održati Carmen Sandi (Brain Minf Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland). Preliminarni program će biti objavljen 10.januara, 2023.godine na sajtu DNS ( ). Poziv za slanje […]
Support EBC call to European Commission for Thematic Network on Brain Health

Last week, the European Brain Council (EBC) responded to the European Commission’s Call for Proposals on 2022 Thematic Networks, inviting health stakeholders to submit proposals for a new cycle of Thematic Networks, organised under the framework of the EU Health Policy Platform. According to the Commission, the purpose of a Thematic Network is to produce […]
𝗣𝗵𝗗 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗶𝗻 B𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘅

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o otvorenoj PhD poziciji u Bordou. Sve detalje možete pronaći u nastavku mejla. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS PhD project: Role of 5-HT4 receptors in the modulation of synaptic plasticity within the dentate gyrus: toward a rejuvenation cure?Position: Ph.D. Student Deadline: 25 October 2022 Employment Start Date: 26 October 2022 Contract […]
PhD call @AgliotiLab – Sapienza University of Rome

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o šest otvorenih PhD pozicija u Sapienci, Univerzitet u Rimu. From: Ilaria Minio Paluello []Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2022 12:03 AMTo: PhD call @AgliotiLab – Sapienza University of Rome Dear Serbian Neuroscience Society,I would be most grateful if you could please help us disseminate our international Ph.D. in Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience at […]
Poziv na radionicu Horizon Europe

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo poziv za radionicu u sklopu Horizon Europe Projekta koji je posvećen istraživanjima u oblasti neurorazvojnih poremećaja i modelovanju bolesti korišćenjem indukovanih pluripotentnih matičnih ćelija ( Veliko nam je zadovoljstvo da vas pozovemo da uzmete učešće u prvoj radionici STREAMLINE projekta pod nazivom „Najnovija istraživanja neurorazvojnih poremećaja zasnovana na primeni matičnih ćelija” koja […]
Registration for NEURONUS 2022 IBRO Neuroscience Forum (15-17 October 2022, Krakow, Poland)

Dear Sir / Madam, We would like to invite you to take part in NEURONUS 2022 IBRO Neuroscience Forum, which takes place between 15-17 October 2022 in Krakow, Poland. Registration (early, lower fee) and Call for Abstracts are open until 15th of July at ! The conference program (biological, cognitive, computational and medical aspects of neuroscience): – […]
Call for Abstracts – NEURONUS 2022 IBRO Neuroscience Forum (15-17 October 2022, Krakow, Poland)

Поштовани, У складу са одлуком са 19. седнице Извршног одбора Српске академије наука и уметности, која је одржана јуче (9.6.2022. године), достављам Вам следећи допис: Предмет: Конференција Форум за неуронауку Међународне организације за истраживање мозга (IBRO) и Друштва студената за неуронауку Neuronus за 2022. годину Друштво студената за неуронауку Neuronus Јагелонског универзитета у Кракову упутило је позив САНУ за конференцију Форум за […]
NENS-schools 27 April: Nominate your students for Best Poster Awards 2022

Poštovani članovi društva, Molimo sve koji će učestvovati sa posterom na FENS Forumu da nas obaveste što pre kako bi vas prof. Anđus predložio za NENS nagradu. Good morning, This is a gentle reminder of the upcoming deadline of 27 April for nominating 1 or 2 of your students for the Best Poster Awards 2022 (for […]
Informacije o predstojećim školama i konferencijama

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informacije o školama, vebinarima, konferencijama, mogućnostima dobijanja stipendija koje vam mogu biti interesantne. 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School The 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School (EGE BINGSS) by Ege University and the Neuroscience Society of Turkey. In light of current developments, bridging classical and modern techniques and their […]
Important ESN activities: Call for ESN Ukrainian Student Scholarships; ESN-Mini Conference at FENS Forum

Poštovani članovi, U okviru ESN Mini-konferenciji (u sklopu FENS Foruma 2022) na temu: “Molecular basis for synaptic function highlighting disease mechanisms” otvoren je poziv za finansiranje studenata iz Ukrajine do 1.juna. Sve dodatne informacije o registraciji možete pronaći na sledećim linkovima: Registration for the ESN Mini-Conference at FENS Forum 2022 – Prilog Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
Oglasi za H2020 projekat

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam pozive za: Projektni boravak (Marie Curie RISE) u Istanbulu za saradnike Univerziteta u Beogradu Projektni boravak (Marie Curie RISE) u Parizu za saradnike Univerziteta u Beogradu Sve informacije možete pronaći u nastavku Projektni boravak plakat IST Projektni boravak plakat – Elvesys Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
[NENS-schools] Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language- BCBL

Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language – BCBL Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language The Master’s program aims to provide specialized, comprehensive and rigorous training in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. The Master’s program includes core courses (theoretical and methodological), advanced elective courses, and a research-based project at the end of the program. Students […]
Poziv za učešće u studiji

Poštovane koleginice i kolege, U nastavku je poziv za učešće u studiji koji šalje naša koleginica Nataša Grujičić sa IMGGI. Drage koleginice i kolege, Pozivamo vas da učestvujete u istraživanju koja se sprovodi u IMGGI, pod nazivom Analiza sastava oralne mikrobiote u populaciji Srbije, koje ima za cilj proučavanje sastava oralne mikrobiote u populaciji Srbije. […]
Neuroscience PhD scholarships in Marseille, France – Call for applicants

NeuroSchool PhD scholarships in neuroscience are available at Aix Marseille University, France Information and application for students with a master’s degree from a foreign university (apply through this application site) for French or foreign students for scholarships for international co-supervised PhDs (apply through this application site) Deadline: April 10, 2022 Only a portion of the proposed projects will be […]
[NENS-schools] of interest for your students: Upcoming deadlines – current training activities and funding opportunities

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informacije koje vam mogu biti korisne, a tiču se produžetka roka prijave za FENS Forum. Takođe u nastavku mejla možete naći informacije o grantovima i predstojećim konferencijama i školama. Hvala profesoru Anđusu na prosleđenom mejlu. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS Good afternoon, Please find below a summary of current training activities and […]
PhD position Paul Flechsig Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, Universität Leipzig

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam oglas o otvorenoj PhD poziciji. Grupu vodi Prof. Dr. Dr. rer. nat Markus Morawski na Paul Flechsig Institute of Brain Research, Faculty of Medicine, Universität Leipzig. Ostale informacije možete videti u prilogu. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS Prilog ————————————— Drage kolege, imam molbu od prijatelja naseg z Lajpciga, dr Sase Jovanovica, ako […]
Submit Your Proposal by January 25

View in browser Be Part of SfN’s Premier Event Share your ideas for a Neuroscience 2022 session and be part of this year’s annual meeting. Proposal submission is open through January 25.* Don’t miss this opportunity to share your knowledge, ideas, and passion with the neuroscience community this November. Proposal CategoriesSymposium or MinisymposiumProfessional Development WorkshopSocial Issues RoundtableBasic-Translational-Clinical […]

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o otvorenoj poziciji za rukovodioca grupeza Neuroimaging. U pitanju je EU projekat ERA Chairs,u CONI centru,Ljubljana, Slovenija. Pozicija je slobodna bez obzira što na sajtu pišeda je oglas istekao. Zainteresovani kandidati mogu da proslede svojudokumentaciju na mejl: Za sve detalje posetite link u nastavku. Candidates should send their […]
Otvorena postdoc pozicija Scientist I – Transgenic mouse line development – Genetic Tools, Allen Institute for Brain Science, Washington, United States

Dragi članovi društva, Otvorena je nova postdoc pozicija na Allen institutu u Vašingtonu(Washington DC),na Odeljenju za molekularnu genetiku pod rukovodstvom drBosiljke Tasić. Potrebno je da kandidat ima završene doktorske studije uoblasti neurobiologije, genetike, biohemije (ili sličnim granama), kao ida ima iskustva u tehnikama molekularnog kloniranja i da poznaje rad usoftverima Geneious i Vector NTI. S […]
Konkurs Fondacije Goran Ljubijankic

Poštovane kolege, Fondacija “Goran Ljubijankić” čiji je osnivač Institut za molekularnugenetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo Univerziteta u Beogradu i ove godineraspisuje Konkurs za dodelu nagrada za najbolje doktorske disertacije imaster radove iz oblasti molekularne biologije odbranjene tokom 2021.godine. Molim vas da na sajtu vaših institucija i društava oglasite da jeFondacija “Goran Ljubijankić” raspisala Konkurs. Tekst oglasa […]
Konkurs za nagradu Ivan Đaja

Poštovani članovi, Prosledjujemo vam obaveštenje o Konkursu Instituta za fiziologiju i biohemiju “Ivan Đaja”, Biološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, za dodelu nagrade za najbolju doktorsku disertaciju i master rad iz oblasti fiziologije urađene i odbranjene u toku školske 2020/2021. Propratno pismo Konkurs za nagradu Ivan Đaja Srdačan pozdrav,Info grupa DNS