Poštovani članovi,
Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o IX međunarodnoj školi i konferenciji – PHOTONICA2023, koja će se održati od 28.08.- 01.09.2023 god. u Beogradu.
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to IX International School and Conference on Photonics – PHOTONICA2023, which will take place between August 28th and September 1st, 2023, in Belgrade, Serbia.
PHOTONICA2023 is envisioned as an international scientific forum that covers a wide range of topics related to fundamental studies and applications in the field of photonics. The main topics of the conference are:
- Quantum optics and ultracold systems,
- Nonlinear optics,
- Optical materials,
- Biophotonics,
- Devices and components,
- Optical communications,
- Laser spectroscopy and metrology,
- Ultrafast optical phenomena,
- Laser-material interaction,
- Optical metamaterials and plasmonics,
- Machine learning in photonics.
Your participation in PHOTONICA2023 will provide an opportunity to discuss your recent scientific achievement with leading experts in the field. Our preliminary list of plenary and invited speakers includes:
- Eugene Simon Polzik, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark,
- Laurent Nahon, Synchrotron Soleil, Saint-Aubin, France,
- Matthieu Réfrégiers, Center for Molecular Biophysics, CNRS, Orleans, France,
- Alessio Recati, Pitaevskii BEC Centre, Trento, Italy,
- Giancarlo Soavi, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany,
- Mikael C. Rechtsman, Pennsylvania State University, USA,
- Mohammad Hafezi, University of Maryland, USA,
- Xuewen Shu, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China,
and many others.
This Conference is organized in collaboration between Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Optical Society of Serbia, and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In addition, the Conference will host a satellite meeting on the understanding of the interaction between light and biological surfaces in collaboration with the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
Please visit our website for registration, abstract submission details, and additional information www.photonica.ac.rs.
Please be so kind to forward this announcement to your colleagues who would be interested in the topics covered by PHOTONICA2023.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our vibrant city in August 2023!
First announcement Photonica 2023
Organizing committee of PHOTONICA2023
IX International School and Conference on Photonics