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Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o kongresu ISN-ESN Porto, Portugal, koji će se održati od 08-11. avgusta 2023 god.
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Dear Prof Dr Pavle, R. Andjus, The International Society of Neurochemistry (ISN) and the European Society of Neurochemistry (ESN) are pleased to invite you to ISN-ESN 2023 Meeting from August 8 to August 11, 2023. Meeting registration page: Click hereRegistration Opens: 9 January 2023 Apply for a talk in an ISN Young Members Symposium: 9 January – 15 February, 2023 Apply for ISN Young Scientist Lectureship Award: 9 January – 15 February, 2023 Apply for ISN Travel Award: 9 January – 15 February, 2023 Emerging Group Leaders Symposia: 9 January – 15 February, 2023 Submit an Abstract: 9 January – 31 March, 2023 (applicable only to non-award registrants) Child Care Fellowship: 9 January – 31 March, 2023 Early Bird Registration closes: 30 April, 2023 MEETING REGISTRATION GENERAL (ISN Members) Login to your My ISN account. (Click here) Access the Meeting page. (Click here) Complete your registration and fill out the necessary fields. Submit your abstract through the link provided once registration is completed.Make sure to renew your 2023 ISN Membership in time as ISN members will get special registration fee. MEETING REGISTRATION (ISN Non-Members) Open the following link (Click here)Complete sign up and account creationClick on ‘Become an ISN member’ and submit your membership application form. Once approved, register for the meeting through the following link (click here)HOW TO APPLY FOR A GRANT AND REGISTER Members of ISN are given the opportunities to apply for the various grants available. Please specifically follow the following order when applying for a grant to attend the meeting. Grants applicants are given waived registration fee pending outcome of the application. You are allowed to apply for multiple grants for the meeting. However, if successful with multiple awards, please do note that you are only eligible for one award and we will honor the highest valued award. Please make sure to become an ISN member or renew your ISN Membership in time to apply for the various grants. Apply for the grant (YMS, YSLA, Travel Award, etc) Register for the meeting through the meeting page on My ISNOnce registered, immediately submit your abstract through the link provided. GRANTS AND AWARDS TRAVEL AWARDSISN offers Travel Awards to ISN Student and Postdoc members to assist with attendance at biennial meetings. Young members intending to submit abstracts as first authors are eligible for support to attend the meeting. The travel grant provided by ISN is meant to cover substantial part of the expenses related to the meeting. The amount awarded varies depending on the region you reside and will be paid to all awardees who attended the meeting in the month after the meeting has concluded. Travel awardees will also receive a registration fee waiver. Do not wait until the deadline to activate your ISN membership and apply for the Travel Award, this will be too late! Applicants can register for the meeting for free pending the outcome of the application. The amount provided per region is as follows: Application Form: Click here YOUNG SCIENTIST LECTURESHIP AWARD (YSLA)Every two years, on the occasion of its Biennial Meeting, the ISN awards up to two ISN Young Scientist Lectureship Awards These awards recognize eminent research achievements of promising young scientists. Neurochemistry is considered in its broadest context within molecular and cellular neuroscience. Up to two young scientists, up to 10 years after the year the doctoral degree was awarded (at the time of the proposal, with allowance for career breaks), may be given the ISN award consisting of an honorarium and paid trip to the ISN-ESN Meeting, where they will need to present a 30 minute lecture (including discussion). Application Form: Click Here YOUNG MEMBERS SYMPOSIA (YMS)ISN provides the chance for young ISN members to showcase their exciting research results at our international conferences. Advanced ISN Student members (who will finish their PhD in the near future) and ISN Postdoc members can apply for a talk in an ISN-YMS (15 min talk + 7 min discussion). Apply now to present your latest results to the ISN community. Application Form: Click HereEMERGING GROUP LEADERS SYMPOSIA (EGLS)Opportunity for oral presentations from mid-career researchers (5-10 years post doc) – Emerging Group Leaders Symposia ISN has re-introduced an opportunity for Mid-Career researchers (5 to 10 years postdoc) to apply for an opportunity to do an Oral presentation in the ISN-ESN 2023 meeting in Porto, Portugal. Application Form: Click HereABSTRACT SUBMISSIONAfter you have completed registration, we advise to immediately submit your abstract (with up to 300 words) for the meeting by clicking on the Abstract submission button on the meeting overview page. Please be informed that the ISN Office will not be able to assist for the abstract submission past the deadline. Therefore, we strongly recommend for immediate abstract submission once registration is complete. (Final Deadline: March 31, 2023)Detailed instructions are found on the abstract submission page. |
ISN International Society for Neurochemistry Email:secretariat@neurochemistry.org | website:www.neurochemistry.orgUnsubscribe Powered byVeryConnect Ltd. |