Invitation for open session of the International Spring School “Emerging technologies and new horizons for research and therapy of human Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs)”

Poštovani članovi, Sa zadovoljstvom vas pozivamo na otvorenu sesiju Međunarodne prolećne škole „Emerging technologies and new horizons for research and therapy of human Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs)”, koja će se održati 9. aprila 2025. godine u Institutu za molekularnu genetiku i genetičko inženjerstvo, Univerzitet u Beogradu, sa početkom u10:00 časova. Na linku je agenda i CV predavača. Registracija je otvorena do 17. Marta 2025.godine […]
Poziv za prijavu – Regionalna internacionalna škola “Illuminating Neurobiology”

Poštovani, prijave za Regionalnu internacionalnu školu “Illuminating Neurobiology” su produžene do 15.marta. Više informacija o uslovima za prijavu i programu škole:➡️ Sajt škole ➡️ IBRO link Kontakt e-mail: Srdačan pozdrav, Info grupa DNS
Poziv za prijavu – Regionalna internacionalna škola “Illuminating Neurobiology”

Poštovani, Ljubaznošću koleginice dr. Adžić Bukvić prosleđujemo vam informaciju o regionalnoj internacionalnoj školi „Illuminating Neurobiology: Fluorescent Techniques in Neuron and Glia 2D Cultures“, koja će se održati od 1. do 7. juna 2025. na Biološkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ova škola je podržana od strane IBRO organizacije i pruža jedinstvenu priliku za sticanje praktičnih i teorijskih znanja iz oblasti […]
Škola neinvazivne neuromodulacije 2024

Poštovani, U periodu od 8. Novembra 2023 godine će se u Beogradu održati škola za neinvazivnu neuromodulaciju. Škola je namenjena studentima i istraživačima, a uključiće kako teorijska predvanja tako i praktične vežbe. Više informacija o školi i načinu prijavljivanja možete videte ovde: Učešće je bepslatno, ali je broj mesta ograničen i prijava je naophodna. […]
WIN Global Scholars Programme 2024-25, University of Oxford – Open for applications until 5 Sept

THE WIN GLOBAL SCHOLARS PROGRAMME (WINGS) 2024-2025 IS OPEN FORAPPLICATIONS! The WINGS Programme is aimed at PhD students and early careerresearchers working with neuroimaging in countries with low investmentin research training and infrastructure*. We will select up to fivecandidates, who will be remotely affiliated with the Wellcome Centre forIntegrative Neuroimaging [1], University of Oxford, […]
ICPBR Summer School in Non-Human Primate Systems Neuroscience (Sept 9-15, 2024)

Poštovani članovi, Šaljemo vam poziv za letnju školu koja će se održati od 09. do 15. Septmebra u Šangaju, Kina. Detaljne informacije možete pronaći na linku u nastavku mejla. Dear all, The*International Center for Primate Brain Research (ICPBR)*, directed by Nikos Logothetis and Mu-Ming Poo, proudly announces the*_ICPBR Summer School in Non-Human Primate Systems Neuroscience_*, […]
STREAMLINE letnja škola

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv za letnju školu u Solunu. Obaveštavamo Vas da u junu ove godine organizujemo letnju školu pod nazivom “Identification of key genes and novel drug targets for neurodevelopmental disorders ” u Solunu, Grčka. Škola je namenjena PhD studentima sa prostora Zapadnog Balkana i troškovi učešća, transporta, smeštaja i ishrane biće pokriveni […]

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o IX međunarodnoj školi i konferenciji – PHOTONICA2023, koja će se održati od 28.08.- 01.09.2023 god. u Beogradu. Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to IX International School and Conference on Photonics – PHOTONICA2023, which will take place between August 28th and September 1st, 2023, in Belgrade, Serbia. PHOTONICA2023 […]
Poziv za iPSCs prolećnu školu

Dear colleagues, It is our great pleasure to announce our Spring school: “iPSCs as a tool for modeling disease and discovering molecular mechanisms of NDDs” as part of the STREAMLINE project funded by the European Union. The Spring school will be held at the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade (IMGGE), […]
Young Researchers Event meets HIBALL in Zadar

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv za predstojeći događaj u organizaciji HBP Education Team-a. Dear Sir or Madam, we are the Human Brain Project Education Programme and specialise in organising workshops and events in which participants are introduced to the research infrastructure EBRAINS. We kindly ask you to include our upcoming Young Researchers Event in your […]
Informacije o predstojećim školama i konferencijama

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informacije o školama, vebinarima, konferencijama, mogućnostima dobijanja stipendija koje vam mogu biti interesantne. 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School The 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School (EGE BINGSS) by Ege University and the Neuroscience Society of Turkey. In light of current developments, bridging classical and modern techniques and their […]
[NENS-schools] Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language- BCBL

Master in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language – BCBL Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language The Master’s program aims to provide specialized, comprehensive and rigorous training in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language. The Master’s program includes core courses (theoretical and methodological), advanced elective courses, and a research-based project at the end of the program. Students […]
[NENS-schools] Modern training of PhD students in life sciences: December 10th, 10:30 am (CET)

Dear Colleagues, At the Nencki Institute for Experimental Biology, Polish Academy ofSciences in Warsaw, we are organizing an open meeting of our ScientificCouncil devoted to Modern training of PhD students in life sciences. Ifyou find this of interest you are welcome to join us. Best regards, Daniel Wójcik Nencki Graduate Studies […]
DEADLINE EXTENDED to Dec 13: About Travel Award of NEURO2022, Okinawa, Japan

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju da je rok prijave za stipendije zakonferenciju NEURO2022 produžen do 13. decembra. Serbian Neuroscience Society, We are writing to inform you that the NEURO2022, a joint conference ofthe Japan Neuroscience Society, the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry,and the Japanese Neural Networks Society, will be held in Okinawa, Japanfrom June 30th […]
LYSOCIL Summer School on Lysosomes and Cilia (8 to 12 November 2021): registration and poster

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećoj letnjoj školi. The LYSOCIL Summer School will take place between 8th – 12th November 2021 at CEDOC facilities. This event relies mainly on hands-on sessions with practical components in immunostaining and high speed videomicroscopy. The participants will gain theoretical knowledge and will be introduced to protocols and scientific methods related to lysosome and cilia biology, […]
[NENS-schools] Higher education and training activities of interest for your students

Dear colleague, We would like to bring to your attention the below higher education and training activities organised by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) and its partners, which might be of interest for your students.Please feel free to disseminate the information to your students. With best regards,Network of European Neuroscience Schools – NENS Grants and stipends for MSc […]
Workshop “Drugs and the Brain”

Poštovani članovi društva, U periodu od 27. do 30. septembra biće održana virtuelna radionica natemu “Drugs and Brain” predviđena za master i PhD studente. Sve potrebneinformacije u vezi sa prijavom možete naći na sledećem linku: Srdačan pozdrav, Društvo za neuronauke Srbije
NERKA8 Letnji kurs Neurobiologije i Biofizike

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosledjujemo vam mejl profesora Pavla Andjusa u vezi sa Letnjim kursom Neurobiologije i Biofizike. Srdačan pozdrav, Društvo za neuronauke Srbije NERKA8 program Flajer Drage koleginice i kolege, Želimo da Vas podsetimo/informišemo da će se od 8-12 septembra 2021. godine održati u Institutu za biologiju mora u Kotoru 8. NERKA […]