Dear colleague, We would like to bring to your attention the below higher education and training activities organised by FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) and its partners, which might be of interest for your students.Please feel free to disseminate the information to your students. With best regards, Network of European Neuroscience Schools – NENS Grants and stipends for MSc and PhD studentsNENS Exchange Grants Application deadline: 15 October 2021Is your school part of the NENS programme? NENS Exchange Grants support PhD and MSc students registered within a NENS graduate school to complete methodological training in a different country. They cover travel and accommodation costs of up to EUR 3,000. Check out the eligibility criteria and start your application: there are only two weeks left! Watch the NENS exchange grants online session and prepare your application. FENS-IBRO PERC stipends Application deadline: 5 November 2021 FENS and IBRO-PERC provide 4 stipends of EUR 750 for Master and/or PhD students interested in attending the course “Current approaches in neurological disorder approach: from animal model to human brain on the chip” (6-10 December 2021, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland). Apply for a stipend. CAJAL Neurokit Extracellular Electrophysiology Acquisition 6-10 December 2021 – online hands-on training course Application deadline: 18 October 2021, 23:59 CET In this short online course, you will develop your understanding of electrophysiology data acquisition. In terms of hardware, you will learn how acquisition systems can amplify tiny signals and filter out noise. You will test this understanding by building your own system to measure muscle and heart signals. In software, you will encounter synchronisation considerations as adding incoming datastreams and build an increasingly complex experimental design. Applications are now open! ![]() Submission deadline: 31 May 2022 Although states of sleep are universally described throughout the animal kingdom, the understanding of their relevance to brain function and dysfunction remains limited. Publish your research with the European Journal of Neuroscience and submit your paper for this new Special Issue! Guest Editors: Antoine Adamantidis (University of Bern, CH), Lucia Talamini (University of Amsterdam, NL), Genevieve Albouy (University of Utah, US) and Adrien Peyrache (McGill University, CA). ________________________________________ FENS Job Market New jobs added every day Are you looking for the next step in your career? Check out the FENS Job Market for PhD opportunities, postdoctoral fellowships and jobs in academia and industry. Recently added positions include: PhD position in Neurophysiology, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria. Professor position in Pharmacology and Therapeutics, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland. Technician in Neurobiologly, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. Post-doctoral position in Electrophysiology, CERC Fondazione S Lucia, Roma, Italy. |