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The LYSOCIL Summer School will take place between 8th – 12th November 2021 at CEDOC facilities. This event relies mainly on hands-on sessions with practical components in immunostaining and high speed videomicroscopy. The participants will gain theoretical knowledge and will be introduced to protocols and scientific methods related to lysosome and cilia biology, as well as being assisted to solve specific problems. We will have fun science mini-projects around lysosomes and cilia research topics. It will count with a renowned panel of experts (see poster).
The LYSOCIL Summer School is organized under the scope of the European Twinning project LYSOCIL: Excel in Rare Diseases’ Research: Focus on LYSOsomal Disorders and CILiopathies. The LYSOCIL project aims to strengthen the research and innovation capacity of the Chronic Diseases Research Center – NOVA Medical School (CEDOC-NMS), helping it to become a national and internationally-recognized centre of excellence in chronic rare diseases research and innovation.
Registration: This is a free event but registration is needed. Please register [HERE] Deadline: 22th October 2021
The Agenda will be send after your registration.
We invite you all to participate!
Best regards,

Helena João Gonçalves, LYSOCIL Science Communication Manager
CEDOC – Chronic Diseases Research Center
NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Edifício CEDOC II (Edific. Cinzento) | Rua Câmara Pestana nº 6, 6-A | 1150-082 | Lisboa | Portugal
Tel.: +351 218 803 105 E-mail: helena.goncalves@nms.unl.pt