MNS 2025 | Early Bird Registration

Dear members, Early Bird Registration is Open! Secure your spot now and take advantage of the early bird registration rates before the deadline. Don’t miss this opportunity to network, learn, and be part of an inspiring scientific community. Book Your Accommodation for MNS 2025! Planning to attend the 10th Mediterranean Neuroscience Society Conference in Chania, […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2025

Poštovani članovi Društva, Ovim putem vas podsećamo da će se Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2025 održati 27. februara u prostorijama Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu (Doktora Subotića 8, 11000 Beograd). Zvanični program konferencije nalazi se OVDE. Registracija je besplatna za sve učesnike, a prijavljivanje je obavezno putem sledećeg linka: [REGISTRATION] AAIC® Neuroscience Next 2025 (Belgrade Hub) Srdačan pozdrav, Info grupa […]
Call for Travel Awards – 2nd announcement

Poštovani članovi društva, Rok prijave za stipendije koje se dodeljuju povodom ESN JOINT Meeting (Naksos, Grčka) je produžen do 15. februara. Srdačan pozdrav, Info grupa DNS Dear all, In accordance with its mission, ESN will persist in offering to young colleagues a platform to showcase their innovative research findings through poster presentations at an international conference. Young investigators, namely, PhD […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025

Poštovani članovi Društva, Podsećamo Vas da je registracija za prisustvo Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025 otvorena! Kongres će se održati 27. februara 2025. godina na Medicinskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Doktora Subotića 8, 11000 Beograd. Registracija je besplatna za sve učesnike! Mesta su ograničena, te vas podstičemo da se prijavite što pre. Link za registraciju: Kada kliknete Register now, ući ćete […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025

Dear members, Registration for the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2025 is officially open! You can find the application link at the following address: When you click Register now, you will be redirected to the page where you need to enter the email you want to use to register for the congress. After entering your email and clicking on […]
International Neuroscience Congress (NEURO-2024)

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećem kongresu “INTERNATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE CONGRESS (NEURO-2024)” koji će se održati od 28.-30. NOVEMBRA 2024. god. u glavnom gradu Gruizije, Tbilisi. Ujedno će biti održan i 5. sastanak Internacionalnog centra za istraživanje neuronauke koji sarađuje sa brojnim nacionalnim i internacionalnim organizacijama širom sveta, uključujući i Mediteransko društvo neuronauka. Podatke oko […]
Book of Abstracts for the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024

Dear colleagues and participants, We are pleased to announce that the Book of Abstracts for the Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024 is now available as an online document, complete with an International Standard Book Number (ISBN). CLICK HERE Thank you once again for your contributions and for joining us both virtually and in person on May 24th and 25th […]
NWG Göttingen Meeting 2025 (26-29.03.2025): preliminary schedule and registration info – Flügel/Miljković symposium Sat 29.3.2025 11:30-13:30

Poštovani članovi DNS, Sa zadovoljstvom vas obaveštavamo da je simpozijum koji je predložio dr Đorđe Miljković zajedno sa prof Flugel (IMSF, Univerzitet u Getingenu) prihvaćen i uvršten u program prestižnog naučnog sastanka u oganizaciji Nemačkog društva za neuronauka, 16th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (program je u prilogu, simpozijum S34). Program_Göttingen Meeting 2025 […]
Two MNS fellowships for young MNS researchers to attend CISS2024 Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024 (July 15-19, 2024)

Poštovani članovi DNS, Ukoliko ste zainteresovani, Mediteransko društvo za neuronauke dodeljuje 2 stipendije mladim naučnicima za učešće na XXI CISSN 2024 – Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024, više infomracija u nastavku. Srdačno, Info DNS MNS is supporting the upcoming XXI CISSN 2024 – Catania International Summer School of Neuroscience 2024 (July 15-19, 2024), organized by […]
Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024 – Finalni program

Poštovani članovi Društva, Podsećamo vas da se približava datum održavanja međunarodne konferencije Belgrade Neuroscience Next Hub 2024, te ukoliko se niste prijavili, a želite da prisustvujete, možete se direktno obratiti na mejl: Konferencija će biti održana u zgradi dekanata Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu 24. i 25. aprila. Finalni program je dostupan u nastavku. Srdačan […]
Конгрес септембар 2024

Поштовани чланови друштва, Прослеђујемо вам позив за Пети међународни конгрес Српског друштва за митохондријалну и слободно-радикалску физиологију, Redox Biology: A Paradigm of the Foundation of Life, који ће се одржати од 27-29. септембра 2024. године у Свечаној сали Ректората Универзитета у Београду. Организацију конгреса подржавају сви релевантни факултети и институти Универзитета у Београду и целе Србије, а […]
Call for Symposia – Göttinger Tagung 2025

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv predsednika Nemačkog društva za neuronauke za predlaganje simpozijuma za Getingensku konferenciju 2025.god (26-29 mart). Rok za prijavu je 23.februar 2024. CALL FOR SYMPOSIA From: NWG []Sent: petak, 02. februar 2024. 15:09To: NWGSubject: Call for Symposia – Göttinger Tagung 2025 Dear Dr. Kanazir,With the letter below from Dr. Frank Kirchhoff, I would like to kindly remind […]
The Call for Symposia proposals for the bi-annual meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG) 2025

Dear All, The Call for Symposia proposals for the bi-annual meeting of the German Neuroscience Society (NWG) is open. The call is not restricted to our members but we explicitly want to encourage neuroscientists from abroad as well, and especially from the European neuroscience community. Proposals from any field of neurosciences are welcome. Please be so […]
REGISTRATIONS OPEN | EpiC2024 Epilepsy Conference | 5-7 June 2024

We are glad to announce that registration and abstract submission to the International EpiC2024 Epilepsy Conference is now open. EpiC2024 marks the closure of the EpiEpiNet EU-project and gathers researchers to discuss pathophysiology and novel strategies to treat epilepsies and its comorbidities (cognitive impairments, sleep disturbances, anxiety, among others). Seizures/epileptogenesis can have multiple causes such as brain […]
Program Of The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society

You can download the full program of the 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (May 31st – June 2nd, 2023, Belgrade) Click here
The remainder of the early registration for the 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society

Dear colleagues, This is a kind reminder of the early registration for The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society is open till April 15th. The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (May 31st – June 2nd, 2023.) will be held in Belgrade, at the Belgrade Youth Center. The full preliminary program of the Congress can be found here.We […]
8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society – Call for Abstracts

Dear colleagues, The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (May 31st – June 2nd, 2023.) will be held in Belgrade, at the Belgrade Youth Center. The full preliminary program of the Congress is here.We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract and present your work at the 8th Congress of the Serbian […]
Call for symposia – Cross promotion – Serbian Neuroscience Society

The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) and the Host Societies, the Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) and the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT), are delighted to invite scientists to submit their proposals for symposia and technical workshops for the FENS Forum 2024. The FENS Forum is Europe’s largest international neuroscience congress, and features an inspiring and diverse programme […]
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference 2023

Dear colleagues, We kindly invite you to submit a symposium proposal for the upcoming SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference, SNC’23 – the 10th international neuroscience meeting which covers a wide array of neuroscience topics from molecular to clinical levels. SNC’23 will take place from September 28 to 30, 2023, with live presentations at the University of Ljubljana, […]
ENCODS conference

Dear fellow students, ENCODS 2023, a satellite event of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), will take place in Faro, the capital of the beautiful city of Faro, Portugal, on 01-02 May 2023! The European Neuroscience Conference by Doctoral Students (ENCODS) is an initiative started by graduate students at the Neurocampus Bordeaux (France) in […]
Kongres Mediteranskog Društva za Neuronauke, MNS 2023

Poštovani članovi društva, Obaveštavamo vas da je poziv za prijavu simpozijuma za Kongres Mediteranskog Društva za Neuronauke, MNS 2023 (Tunis, oktobar) otvoren do 31. januara. Takođe, obratite pažnju i na mogućnost dobijanja stipendija za “early-career candidates”. Info grupa DNS
8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society – Second announcement – Registration is now open!

Dear Colleagues, The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (31 May – 02 June 2023) will take place in Belgrade Youth Center. Download the Preliminary Program. We encourage you to present your recent work and to learn about research from our distinguished colleagues from Serbia and abroad. The official language of the Congress is English. The aim […]
First announcement – VIII kongres Društva za neuronauke Srbije

Poštovani članovi, Obaveštavamo vas da će VIII kongres Društva za neuronauke Srbije biti održan u Beogradu u Domu Omladine, od 31.maja do 2.juna, 2023.godine. Prvo predavanje će održati Carmen Sandi (Brain Minf Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland). Preliminarni program će biti objavljen 10.januara, 2023.godine na sajtu DNS ( ). Poziv za slanje […]
Young Researchers Event meets HIBALL in Zadar

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv za predstojeći događaj u organizaciji HBP Education Team-a. Dear Sir or Madam, we are the Human Brain Project Education Programme and specialise in organising workshops and events in which participants are introduced to the research infrastructure EBRAINS. We kindly ask you to include our upcoming Young Researchers Event in your […]
Registration for NEURONUS 2022 IBRO Neuroscience Forum (15-17 October 2022, Krakow, Poland)

Dear Sir / Madam, We would like to invite you to take part in NEURONUS 2022 IBRO Neuroscience Forum, which takes place between 15-17 October 2022 in Krakow, Poland. Registration (early, lower fee) and Call for Abstracts are open until 15th of July at ! The conference program (biological, cognitive, computational and medical aspects of neuroscience): – […]
NENS-schools 27 April: Nominate your students for Best Poster Awards 2022

Poštovani članovi društva, Molimo sve koji će učestvovati sa posterom na FENS Forumu da nas obaveste što pre kako bi vas prof. Anđus predložio za NENS nagradu. Good morning, This is a gentle reminder of the upcoming deadline of 27 April for nominating 1 or 2 of your students for the Best Poster Awards 2022 (for […]
Black Sea Neurogenesis – 2022

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o zanimljivom skupu sa besplatnom registracijom za studente i postdoktorande. Informacije možete naći u prilogu. PRILOG Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
Informacije o predstojećim školama i konferencijama

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informacije o školama, vebinarima, konferencijama, mogućnostima dobijanja stipendija koje vam mogu biti interesantne. 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School The 8th Biennial International Neuroscience Graduate Summer School (EGE BINGSS) by Ege University and the Neuroscience Society of Turkey. In light of current developments, bridging classical and modern techniques and their […]
Important ESN activities: Call for ESN Ukrainian Student Scholarships; ESN-Mini Conference at FENS Forum

Poštovani članovi, U okviru ESN Mini-konferenciji (u sklopu FENS Foruma 2022) na temu: “Molecular basis for synaptic function highlighting disease mechanisms” otvoren je poziv za finansiranje studenata iz Ukrajine do 1.juna. Sve dodatne informacije o registraciji možete pronaći na sledećim linkovima: Registration for the ESN Mini-Conference at FENS Forum 2022 – Prilog Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
ESN mini-conference

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju dobijenu od prof. Pavla Anđusa. Drage koleginice i kolege, Kao član upravnog odbora Eur. Society for Neurochemisty, želeo bih da vam skrenem pažnju na ESN Mini konferenciju, koja će se održati u okviru FENS Foruma u Parizu. Registracija je besplatna za učesnike FENS Foruma.
Symposium announcement: Joint ICGEB – ALS Society of Canada Symposium on Inflammation & Proteinopathy in ALS/FTD -June 30- July 3, 2022; Rijeka, Croatia.

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećem naučnom skupu koji će se održati u Rijeci. Učesnici iz naše zemlje imaju mogućnost da apliciraju za stipendije i oslobađanje od kotizacije. Hvala prof. Andjusu na prosleđenoj informaciji. Dear colleagues, We are excited to announce our symposium: Joint ICGEB – ALS Society of Canada Symposium on Inflammation & Proteinopathy […]
[NENS-schools] of interest for your students: Upcoming deadlines – current training activities and funding opportunities

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informacije koje vam mogu biti korisne, a tiču se produžetka roka prijave za FENS Forum. Takođe u nastavku mejla možete naći informacije o grantovima i predstojećim konferencijama i školama. Hvala profesoru Anđusu na prosleđenom mejlu. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS Good afternoon, Please find below a summary of current training activities and […]
FENS Travel grant protein tech group

Poštovani članovi društva, Proteintech Group kompanija dodeljuje 2 granta za predstojeći FENS Forum. Rok za prijavu je 31.mart. Detaljne informacije možete naći na sledećem linku: FENS Travel Grant | Proteintech Group ( Srdačno, Info grupa DNS
The Biochemistry Global Summit – FEBS & IUBMB & PABMB Congress 9-14 July 2022 Lisbon

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam poziv Biohemijskog društva za predstojeći FEBS kongres. Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Portugalsko Biohemijsko Društvo će biti domaćin 46. FEBS Kongresa, 25.IUBMB Kongresa i 15. PAMBM Kongresa koji se održavaju pod sloganom “The Biochemistry Global Summit”, u periodu od 9. do 14. jula 2022. godine u Lisabonu. Rok za prijavu sažetaka radova […]
FENS Forum 2022: Early registration and abstract submission close soon on 22 February 2022

Early registration, abstract submission and travel grants closing soon!Last days before early registration, abstract submission and FENS/IBRO-PERC travel grants for the FENS Forum 2022 close! Take advantage of the weekend to finalise your applications and submit them. The FENS Forum 2022 will feature a jam-packed programme of high-level plenary and symposia lectures, new and exciting sessions and engaging satellite and networking events! And if this […]
[NENS-schools] New Specialized Master in Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences!

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o otvorenoj master poziciji u Cirihu. Sve detalje možete pronaći na linku u nastavku mejla. Dear NENS Members, We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Specialized UZH/ETH Joint Master Degree that will start in the Fall of 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland! The MSc in Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences (IDB) is devoted to the […]
7th International Brain Research School, 27 June and 3 July 2022, Isparta, TURKEY

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećoj školi pod nazivom „Seventh International Brain Research School” koja će biti organizovana u Isparti, Turska, od 27. do 3. jula 2022 god. Dear Madam/Sir, Seventh International Brain Research School will be performed between 27 June and 3 July 2022 in Neuroscience Research Center (NOROBAM), Suleyman Demirel University Isparta, Turkey by BSN […]
Register now for the Lancet Summit: Presymptomatic Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Poštovani članovi, Ljubaznošću koleginice dr Šaponjić obaveštavamo vas o predstojećem virtuelnom kongresu na temu: Presymptomatic Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases koji će se održati od 14-16 decembra 2021. god. Two months left to register & #8204; Online version You are invited to submit your abstract The Lancet Summit: Presymptomatic Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases RegisterSubmit […]
Call for Registration, Young Scientist Lectures and Young Member Symposium Awards: The ESN 24th Biennial meeting and 8th Conference – Saint Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May 2022

Poštovani članovi, Prosleđujemo vam informaciju o predstojećoj konferenciji u organizaciji ESN koja će se održati u Sankt Peterburgu od 22-25 maja 2022 godine. Dear ESN Members, The European Society for Neurochemistry (ESN) is pleased to announce that registration for the ESN 24th Biennial meeting and 8th Conference on «Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Regulation in the […]
Učešće na SfN preko članstva u FENS-u

Poštovani DNS članovi, Članstvo u FENS-u vam omogućuje da pošaljete apstract I registrujete se za učešće na SfN (hibridni kongres, Čikago, Nov, 2012) pod istim uslovima kao da ste član SfN ako pristupite platformi ISM slot codes. Detaljnije informacije I uputstvo za registraciju možete naći u poruci u nastavku. Srdačno, Info grupa DNS ……. As […]
PHOTONICA2021 – kotizacije

Poštovani članovi društva, Prosledjujemo vam informaciju o predstojecem naučnom skupu Photonica2021. Srdačan pozdrav, Društvo za neuronauke Srbije Poštovane kolege, Međunarodni naučni skup Photonica2021 biće održan u Beogradu od 27. avgusta 2021. godine. Obaveštavamo vas da su iznosi kotizacija za domaće učesnikeprilagođeni finansijskim prilikama u domaćoj nauci. Takođe, članoviOptičkog Društva Srbije ostvaruju dodatni popust. […]
Učešće na SfN preko članstva u FENS-u

Poštovani DNS članovi, Članstvo u FENS-u vam omogućuje da pošaljete apstract I registrujete se za učešće na SfN (hibridni kongres, Čikago, Nov, 2012) pod istim uslovima kao da ste član SfN ako pristupite platformi ISM slot codes. Detaljnije informacije I uputstvo za registraciju možete naći u poruci u nastavku. Srdačan pozdrav, Dr Selma Kanazir Podpredsednik […]
50-ti kongres Američkog društva za neuronauke (SfN)

Poštovani DNS članovi, Obaveštavamo vas da će se 50-ti kongres Američkog društva za neuronauke (SfN) (hibridni kongres, Čikago, Nov, 2012) održati od 13. do 16. novembra 2021. Detaljnije informacije I uputstvo za registraciju možete naći na sledećoj stranici klikom OVDE Srdačan pozdrav, Dr Selma Kanazir Podpredsednik Društva za neuronauke Srbije
FENS Regional Meeting 2019 – FRM2019

Poštovane kolege, Velika mi je čast i zadovoljstvo da vas pozovem na Regionalni kongres pod pokroviteljstvom Federacije evropskih društava za neuronauke (FENS Regional Meeting 2019) koji će se održati u Beogradu od 10. do 13. jula 2019. godine. Organizacija FENS Regional Meeting 2019 – FRM2019 poverena je Društvima za neuronauke Srbije, Rumunije i Turske. Program […]
5th International Seminar on Behavioral Methods

27th to 29th September 2018 in Kraków, Poland Poštovane kolege, Obaveštavamo vas da će od 27. do 29. septembra 2018. u Krakovu biti održan 5. Međunarodni seminar o metodama u ispitivanju ponašanja. Fokus konferencije će biti na istraživanju ponašanja na animalnim i humanim modelima. Pored glavne teme pod nazivom “Ispitivanje ponašanja čoveka i drugih primata”, […]
Beograd kao domaćin FENS-2019

Poštovani članovi, Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da vas obavestim da je na nedavno održanom sastanaku FENS Council-a u Briselu jednoglasno doneta odluka da domaćin FENS-ovog regionalnog kongresa 2019 (FRM2019) bude Beograd. Uz DNS, koorganizatori FRM2019 će biti Društva za neuronauke Rumunije i Turske.U podnošenju kandidature značajno nam je pomogao Kongresni biro Srbije. Ovo je veliki uspeh […]
25. Međunarodna konferencija iz oblasti neurohemije i neurofarmakologije.
Poštovane koleginice i kolege, Obaveštavamo vas da će 17-18. septembra 2018. godine u Dubaiju biti održana 25. Međunarodna konferencija iz oblasti neurohemije i neurofarmakologije. Više informacija o temi i programu konferencije, možete naći na zvaničnom sajtu Neuro Conferences | Neurochemistry Meetings | Neuropharmacology Events | Neurology Congress | Dubai | UAE | USA | […]
11. FENS Forum of Neuroscience

Poštovani članovi DNS, Obaveštavamo vas da će u Berlinu od 7. do 11. jula ove godine biti održan 11. FENS Forum of Neuroscience. Pozivamo vas da se u što većem broju prijavite za učešće na ovogodišnjem Forumu, kojim se obeležava 20 godina od osnivanja Federacije evropskih društava za neuronauke. Zamolili bismo sve članove koji se […]