FENS promotes the interests of the neuroscience community at the European level. NENS Newsletter September 2022 Activities of interest for school coordinators Follow up – NENS General Meeting 2022 NENS Clusters 2020/2021 – Deliverables The MoVIR NENS Cluster aimed to design a virtual practical training on stereotaxis and lesion or neuroanatomical tracing. View the cluster deliverables here. The Trilateral Course on Glia in Neuroinflamation aimed to develop an on-line teaching material for students interested in macrophages, microglia and astrocytes and their contribution to neuroinflammation. View the cluster deliverables here. The NENS Brain & Mind Cluster aimed to promote scientific interaction and provide international training opportunities for doctoral students. Find more information here. The Advanced skill training in Neuroscience courses: a case study of Drugs & Brain aimed to explore how alternative teaching formats can be introduced in traditional PhD-level courses. Find more information here, or email secr.euron@maastrichtuniversity.nl to access restricted deliverables on their website. NENS Online Platform A NENS online platform to share training materials, strengthen the interaction and exchange best practices within the NENS community is currently under construction. Should you have training materials you would like to share, either within the NENS community, within FENS or with the neuroscience community at large, please share them here. Deadline: 3 October 2022 NENS Student Ambassadors Training activities and funding opportunities for students organised by FENS and its partners are regularly available. Facilitate your students’ access to this information by nominating a student ambasador of your school programme (by launching an internal call among your students etc.), whom we can contact and can support in further disseminating this information among your students. Nominate your student ambassador here. Deadline: 3 Octomber 2022 FENS Forum 2022 NENS Best Student Poster Awards ![]() Awardee – MSc section Anna Rappe, Master’s Programme in Neuroscience, Helsinki, Finland Poster Title: Spatiotemporal profiling of physiological mitophagy in the aging mouse brain ![]() Awardee – PhD section Janina Kupke, PhD Programme of the Interdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences (IZN), Heildelber, Germany Poster Title: DNA methylation promotes memory persistence by facilitating systems consolidation and cortical engram stabilisation NENS Graduate School Fair Discover here the MSc and PhD school programmes that attended the NENS Graduate School Fair, and read the abstracts of the top 10 NENS Best Student Posters. Upcoming calls The Cajal Programme – NeuroCore inittiative NeuroCore aims to equip Masters and PhD students with the fundamental knowledge they need to start their career in experimental Neuroscience If you want your students to have access to this initiative, please express your interest by filling in this form. Extended deadline: 12 September 2022 NENS Education and Training Clusters The Call for Education and Training Clusters – an initiative supported by FENS and IBRO-PERC – aims to enhance the cooperation among NENS school programmes. The clusters should address new needs in the neuroscience community and respond to current challenges encountered in specific neuroscience domains. The next call will be launched this autumn. Check here the information on the NENS cluster awarded this year. FENS and IBRO-PERC support for organising courses in 2023 Every fall, the NENS Office launches a call to offer financial support to NENS schools that plan to organise courses in the upcoming year; this call is also meant to facilitate attendance by European and non-European MSc and PhD neuroscience students by providing travel grants. The next call will be launched this autumn. NENS branding NENS has now its own logo. We encourage you to add the NENS logo on your school programme website, and mention your NENS affiliation! Download here the NENS Logo Upcoming activities of interest for your students FENS-Hertie Winter School Neuro-immune interactions in health and disease 29 January – 4 February 2023, Obergurgl, Austria Extended application deadline: 6 September 2022 The FENS-Hertie Winter School on “Neuro-immune interactions in health and disease” deadline has been extended. This school will provide a deeper understanding of the interaction between neurons and microglia, the resident innate immune cells of the central nervous system and the molecular and cellular mechanisms implicated. NENS exchange grants Application deadline: 15 October 2022 The NENS Exchange Grants are intended for Master and PhD students enrolled in a NENS graduate school; applicants are expected to spend a period of one to three months at a NENS member school of their choice in a different European country for the purpose of methodological training. Inform your students of this opportunity! FENS webinars FENS Friday webinar “Neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods: classic techniques currently going viral” 16 September 2022, 1:30-2:30 pm CEST Registration deadline: 16 September 2022 Registration is now open for the FENS Friday webinar “Neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods: classic techniques currently going viral”.The webinar will provide a landscape perspective over classical and modern tools for tract-tracing purposes. FENS Friday webinar on Neuronline, the SfN digital platform: “Why Fake News is So Facinating to the Brain“ 13 September, 6:00-7:00 pm CEST During this online event, panelists will discuss and try to understand the context in which fake-news develops, the basis for behaviors associated with fake-news and the brain areas and neurotransmitters associated with those behaviors. Registration deadline: until the start of the live event FENS webinars FENS Friday webinar “Neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods: classic techniques currently going viral” 16 September 2022, 1:30-2:30 pm CEST Registration deadline: 16 Sept. 2022 Registration is now open for the FENS Friday webinar “Neuroanatomical tract-tracing methods: classic techniques currently going viral”.The webinar will provide a landscape perspective over classical and modern tools for tract-tracing purposes. FENS webinar on Neuronline, the SfN digital platform: “Why Fake News is So Facinating to the Brain“ 13 September, 6:00-7:00 pm CEST During this online event, panelists will discuss and try to understand the context in which fake-news develops, the basis for behaviors associated with fake-news and the brain areas and neurotransmitters associated with those behaviors. Registration deadline: 13 Sept./until the start of the live event Call for Ideas on Training and Education Activities Ongoing call Do you have ideas on scientific and/or soft skills topics that FENS can develop, either in an online format (webinar, flash sessions) or as a potential school, Brain Conference or hands-on course? Submit your ideas here and support FENS to develop timely and relevant training and educational activities for the neuroscience community.The ideas are analysed monthly by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET). Copyright © 2022 FENS, All rights reserved. Should you like to unsubscribe from the NENS schools mailing group, please write an email to the NENS Office at: nens@fens.org |