Poštovani članovi društva,
Prosleđujemo vam mejl prof. dr Marija Gavrović-Jakulović, predsednika BDS, u vezi sa međunarodnom XI Konferencijom Biohemijskog društva Srbije (BDS).
SBS conference 2022_Announcement poster
Poštovane koleginice i kolege,
Podsećamo vas da će se međunarodna XI Konferencija Biohemijskog društva Srbije (BDS) održati u četvrtak i petak, 22. i 23. septembra 2022.
godine na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Novom Sadu.
Zvanični jezik skupa je engleski. Program skupa obuhvata plenarna, predavanja po pozivu, usmena i posterska saopštenja. Više informacija o programu i konferenciji uopšte dostupno je na https://biochemistry-conference.org.rs/ .
Pozivamo zainteresovane istraživače i studente da učestvuju u radu Konferencije tako što će u formi posterskih prezentacija ili usmenih saopštenja da predstave rezultate svojih istraživanja. Učesnici se mogu registrovati i poslati apstrakte radova, pripremljene prema priloženom uputstvu, na https://biochemistry-conference.org.rs/, najkasnije do 15.
jula 2022.
Kotizacija se uplaćuje posle dobijanja informacije o prihvatanju rada.
Za cenu kotizacije učesnici koji učestvuju sa radom dobijaju štampani Zbornik radova, ručak i posluženje tokom pauza oba dana konferencije, kao i zajednički izlet i večeru, dok kotizacija za prateće osobe obuhvata zajednički izlet i večeru. Apstrakti svih prihvaćenih radova biće tradicionalno odštampani u Zborniku radova (Proceedings) sa skupa.
PDF izdanja Zbornika sa ranijih konferencija dostupni su na sajtu BDS:
Radovi plenarnih i predavača po pozivu biće objavljeni u posebnoj svesci časopisa Biologia Serbica:
U želji da XI Konferencija BDS bude uspešno realizovana i da učesnici razmene rezultate i iskustva, srdačno vas pozdravljam.
Prof. dr Marija Gavrović-Jakulović, predsednik BDS
Dear Colleagues,
We remind you that the XI International Serbian Biochemical Society
(SBS) Conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, 22nd and 23rd of September, 2022, at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
The official language of the meeting is English. The program of the meeting includes plenary and invited lectures, oral and poster presentations. More information about the program and the conference in general is available at https://biochemistry-conference.org.rs/ .
We invite researchers and students to participate in the Conference by presenting the results of their research in the form of poster or oral presentations. Participants can register and send their abstracts of papers, prepared according to the attached instructions at conference website https://biochemistry-conference.org.rs/ , no later than 15th of July, 2022.
The registration fee should be paid after receiving the information on accepting the abstract. Registration fee, for participants who participate with the paper, includes Proceedings book, lunches and coffee breaks both days of the conference, as well as a joint guided tour and Conference dinner, while the registration fee for accompanying persons includes a joint guided tour and Conference dinner. Abstracts of all accepted papers will be traditionally printed in the Proceedings book.
PDF editions of Proceedings books from previous conferences are available on the SBS website: http://www.bds.org.rs/konferencije.php.
Papers of plenary and invited lecturers will be published in a special issue of the journal Biologia Serbica:
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we would like to warmly invite researchers to participate on the XI SBS Conference, and we look forward to welcoming you in Novi Sad in September 2022!
Prof. Dr. Marija Gavrović-Jakulović,
President of SBS
Isidora Protić-Rosić
Generalni sekretar BDS
Hemijski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Beograd, Srbija
Isidora Protić-Rosić
General Secretary
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade Studentski trg 12-16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia