Dear colleagues,
This is a kind reminder of the early registration for The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society is open till April 15th.
The 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society (May 31st – June 2nd, 2023.) will be held in Belgrade, at the Belgrade Youth Center. The full preliminary program of the Congress can be found here.
We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract and present your work at the 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society.
Accepted abstracts will be displayed at the Congress and collated in the Book of Abstracts, available as an online document with an international standard book number.
Abstracts should be written in English and sent to dns@ibiss.bg.ac.rs. The deadline for abstract submission is April 15th, 2023.
(File type: .doc .docx; Font: Times New Roman, 12; Title: up to 200 characters with spaces, bold; Body text: up to 250 words, excluding titles, author list, and affiliation. You can also download a sample file here).
The first author listed should also be presenting. Notification of abstract acceptance will be sent to authors by May 1st, 2023.
To register for the 8th Congress of the Serbian Neuroscience Society, click here
Early bird registration fees ( deadline April 15th, 2023):
– Undergraduate students – free of charge
– PhD students, members – 2000 RSD
– PhD students, non-members – 3000 RSD
– PhD/ MD, members- 4000 RSD
– PhD/ MD, non-members- 6000 RSD
*Undergraduate students are exempt from registration fees, but they must register
Payment instructions will be sent by email after acceptance of the abstract
Best regards,
Organizing Committee