Poštovani članovi društva,
Nereo Kalebic, veoma perspektivan groupe leader u Human Technopole institute u Milanu ima otvorenu PhD poziciju.
We are addressing an exciting question of what determines the size of our brain, which is important from both revolutionary and pathological point of view. A specific part of our brain, called the neocortex, is 3 times larger in humans than in our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.
Interestingly, when the neocortex is either too small or too large, severe neurodevelopmental disorders accompanied by intellectual disabilities can arise. The brain size is known to depend on the number of neurons produces during fetal development, which in turn is determined by the proliferative capacity of neural stem cells. We have recently shown that the neural stem cells of different morphologies show different proliferative potentials and that those subtypes that grow more cellular extensions are more proliferative. This PhD project will explore how the morphology of neural stem cells may underlie some of the neurodevelopmental disorders in humans. For more information, please check the lab website Kalebic Group – Human Technopole [1] and contact me directly at nereo.kalebic@fht.org
For the application to the PhD program please go to: How to apply | SEMM European School of Molecular Medicine [2]
Srdačan pozdrav,
Društvo za neuronauke Srbije
Research Group Leader
Kalebic Group, [1]
Neurogenomics Research Centre
Palazzo Italia
Via Cristina Belgioioso, 171
20157 Milan, Italy
T. +39 02-30247164 [3]
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[3] tel:02-30247164