Poštovani članovi društva,
Prosleđujemo vam poziv za simpozijum koji će se održati u Bernu od 12. do 14.juna 2024.god.
Dear colleagues,
Following the success of the 1st Swiss Symposium on Sex as a Biological Variable (SABV) in Biomedical Research 2 years ago, I am happy to announce the SABV Symposium 2024 at the University of Bern, from June 12-14, 2024. This time, the symposium is open to international participants and is extended in both scope and the number of speakers. Registration is open!!!
You can register here: https://www.tierschutz.vetsuisse.unibe.ch/sabv_symposium_2024/registration/
For more information about the symposium and abstract submission, please visit: https://www.tierschutz.vetsuisse.unibe.ch/sabv_symposium_2024/
I would appreciate it if you could share this information within your community and invite your coworkers, students, and colleagues to participate.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Bern.
Kind regards,
Ivana Jaric
Ivana Jaric, PhD
Advanced Postdoctoral Researcher
Division of Animal Welfare
Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern
Länggassstrasse 120, CH 3012 Bern
Phone: +41 31 684 22 30
Incoming Group Leader
Institute of Laboratory animal science, University of Zurich
e-Mail: ivana.jaric@unibe.ch
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8818-2974