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Connect with IBRO at SfN 2024! 
IBRO looks forward to meeting the neuroscience community at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), Neuroscience 2024, from 5-9 October, in Chicago, US. Check out everything we’ve planned for you and save the date for these exciting events!­ 

Meet & greet at IBRO’s boothThe IBRO team will be happy to meet you at booth #1725 throughout the meeting. Check out the full schedule.­ 

Have a coffee with Neuroscience Chief Editors
Discuss your ideas with Francesca Cirulli and Sarah Spencer, and learn how to get your research recognized in IBRO’s flagship journal. ·   
Date: 6 Oct 2024·         Time: 10:00-12:00·         Location: IBRO booth #1725 ­­

 Join the discussion – ‘The Future of Scientific Publishing’Take part in an insightful session with Francesca Cirulli and other speakers exploring the future of research dissemination, and learn more about how preprints, open access, social media, and more are reshaping how scientists share their results. ·        

 Date: 8 Oct 2024·         Time: 15:00-17:00·         Location: MCP Room S402 ­­ 

ALBA-IBRO Social @ SfN 2024

Supported by IBRO, this ALBA event aims to shed light on the challenges faced by postdoctoral researchers, such as the lack of work-life balance and job insecurity. After a short keynote talk on the so-called “postdoc crisis”, attendees will have the chance to network over snacks and drinks. ·         
Date: 8 Oct 2024·         Time: 18:30·         Location: MCP Room N136 ·         
More information here.­ Learn more ­ 

Watch the webinar recording “The Value of Global Collaboration: Building Capacity for a More Equitable Scientific Landscape
Held on 12 September 2024, “The Value of Global featured experts from around the world, who explored how diverse perspectives and equitable practices strengthen neuroscience research, highlighting the benefits of international collaboration for the scientific community. At the end, the 122 participants based at 41 countries had the chance to ask questions in the panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities in fostering global collaboration. Did you miss the session? You can now watch it on IBRO’s YouTube channel!

The webinar was part of the Neuroscience Capacity Accelerator for Mental Health program, commissioned by Wellcome and implemented by IBRO.­ Watch the webinar ­ 
Apply for IBRO Speaker Support and secure funding for a small neuroscience event 

Launched this year, the IBRO Speaker Support program provides targeted funding support for small neuroscience events, including symposia, workshops, and short courses, with a particular emphasis on enhancing the participation of speakers from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. Emerging societies in regions with little or no existing structure for scientific exchange and engagement are encouraged to apply for support for inaugural meetings or workshops.­ Learn more and apply ­ 

IBRO elections to take place in October On 6 October 2024, the Governing Council of IBRO will elect new leadership of IBRO for the positions of President-elect, Secretary General-elect, and Treasurer-elect. The one-year ‘elect’ terms for the incoming Officers will start on 1 January 2025. During the IBRO general assembly, which consists of representatives of the scientific member organizations of IBRO, new members of the five Regional Committees will also be elected. Further information about the outcome of these elections will be communicated through IBRO’s regular channels in due course.­ Keep up-to-date with IBRO news ­ 

Gender Balance in the Latin American Neuroscience Community Join IBRO-LARC and UDELAR in shaping the future of neuroscience in Latin America! All neuroscientists working in Latin America and the Caribbean are invited to participate in the second phase of the “Gender Balance in the Latin American Neuroscience Community” project, a follow-up to the study published in IBRO Neuroscience Reports (Silva et al, 2021). This phase includes a vital survey to track gender trends in leadership roles and careers in neuroscience in Latin America. Your insights are crucial to improving our understanding and breaking perceived and real barriers to gender equality. The 20-minute survey can be completed until 30 September 2024.  For any inquiries: genderbalance.survey@fcea.edu.uy­ Complete the survey ­ IBRO in Action 

­IBRO Rising Stars Awards: 10 years empowering neuroscientists and building capacity for research excellence worldwide­
Since their launch in 2015, the IBRO Rising Stars Awards have aimed to support diverse, early-career neuroscientists in establishing their own laboratories. In recent years, the program has been reorganized to better meet the evolving needs of the scientific community. The change from Return Home Fellowships to Rising Stars Awards reflects IBRO’s commitment to supporting early-career researchers, not only in returning to their home countries but also establishing a lab elsewhere, with the overarching goal of building capacity for increased impact in their respective communities. From the program’s implementation, the program has supported the establishment of 74 labs in 25 countries around the world. This interview series highlights the journeys of five of these awardees — Dr. Maryam Ghorbani, Dr. Urtė Neniškytė, Dr. Felipe Gomes, Dr. Opeyemi Ogunsuyi, and Dr. Silvia Pozzi — whose groundbreaking research has benefited greatly from the support of this prestigious grant.
The Rising Stars Awards call is currently open – find out how to submit your application before the deadline on 15 October 2024.­ Read the interview series ­ ­

Innovators of tomorrow: learn about the Summer Studentship for Black undergraduates of the BRaIN Program

The final presentations by recipients of the Summer Studentship for Black Undergraduates took place at the McGill University Health Centre’s Research Institute on 13 August 2024. Funded by IBRO and hosted by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee of the Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience (BRaIN) Program, the event showcased the students’ hard work and dedication. Since its launch in 2021, this Summer Studentship program has provided students with opportunities to pursue careers in neuroscience and related fields, fostering a more diverse and inclusive scientific community.­ Read more ­Have you published a paper, organized an event, or achieved something major you have been working towards with help from an IBRO grant?
We would be happy to hear from you: communications@ibro.org ­ 
Career Development Grants Speaker Support ­Eligibility: All regions
Deadline: 30 Sep 2024 More info
Rising Stars Awards ­Eligibility: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and US/Canada
Deadline: 15 Oct 2024
More info 

FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships­
Eligibility: EuropeDeadline: 15 Oct 2024 
More info
Brain Awareness Week Grants2025 ­Eligibility: Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and US/Canada
Deadline: 31 Oct 2024
More info 

NEW PROGRAM! Neuroscience Training Grants
­­Eligibility: All regions
Deadline: 15 Nov 2024
More info
­Rounded Rectangle: Browse the 2024 
Grants Calendar
Neuroscience ­New insights into the biochemistry of first-episode mild depression could lead to more effective treatments

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