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Podsećamo Vas da je registracija za prisustvo Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025 otvorena! Kongres će se održati 27. februara 2025. godina na Medicinskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Beogradu, Doktora Subotića 8, 11000 Beograd. Registracija je besplatna za sve učesnike! Mesta su ograničena, te vas podstičemo da se prijavite što pre.

Link za registraciju: https://www.intheorious.com/alz/pub/aaicnn2025a/

Kada kliknete Register now, ući ćete na stranicu gde treba da unesete mejl preko koga želite da se registrujete za kongres. Nakon upisivanja mejla i klikom na dugme Continue, ulazite na prvu stranicu obrasca za međunarodnu prijavu. Tu treba da popunite sva polja označena * (obratite pažnju na polje ,,State“, gde treba da odaberete opciju ,,N/A“, u slučaju da se ne prijavljujete sa adrese iz Sjedinjenih Američkih Država ili Kanade, dok na polju ,,Country” treba da izaberete državu iz koje se prijavljujete).

Kada popunite obrazac i dođete do 4. stranice, dobićete mejl u kome ćete moći da izaberete državu u kojoj želite da učestvujete na kongresu. Klikom na link za Beograd ćete ući u obrazac koji je striktno za naš kongres. Kada popunite obrazac i pošaljete, zvanično ćete biti prijavljeni za kongres kod nas.

Rok za prijavu abstrakata je 30. 10.2024. (odnosno 03.11.2024. za članove ISTAART-a): https://alz.org/neurosciencenext/overview.asp

Podsećamo da ne morate imati abstract kako biste se registrovali

Posebno želimo da naglasimo da su mladi istraživači i studenti dobrodošli.

U nastavku mejla nalazi se detaljan poziv.

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The World Alzheimer’s Association and AAIC Neuroscience Next, announce the upcoming Hybrid Conference on Neuroscience- Belgrade Neuroscience Next 2025 to be held on the February 27th, 2025 at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Serbia.

This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, especially young researchers, to engage in meaningful discussions, share groundbreaking discoveries, and foster collaboration in the ever-evolving field of neuroscience. Registration is free of charge! The link to registration is


When you click Register now, you will be redirected to the page where you need to enter the email you want to use to register for the congress. After entering your email and clicking on the Continue button, you will be directed to the first page of the international application form. There you should fill in all the fields marked with * (pay attention to the field “State“, where you should choose the option “N/A”, in case you are not applying from an address from the United States of America or Canada, while in the field ,, Country” you should select the country you are applying from).

When you fill out the form and reach the 4th page, you will receive an email in which you can choose the country in which you want to participate in the congress. By clicking on the link for Belgrade, you will enter a form that is strictly for our congress. When you fill out the form and send it, you will be officially registered for the congress with us.

Researchers in the field of, Medicine, Biology, Pharmacy, and Psychology are encouraged to attend the meeting.

Event Highlights:

·         Bursary for young reserchers from Serbia and the region with accepted abstracts to attend the meeting

We look forward to your participation in this groundbreaking event that promises to advance our collective understanding of Alzheimer’s and neuroscience. Your contribution is integral to the success of this conference, and we believe your insights will contribute significantly to the field.

The congress program will be announced soon.

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