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Rok prijave za stipendije koje se dodeljuju povodom ESN JOINT Meeting (Naksos, Grčka) je produžen do 15. februara.

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Info grupa DNS

Dear all,

In accordance with its mission, ESN will persist in offering to young colleagues a platform to showcase their innovative research findings through poster presentations at an international conference. Young investigators, namely, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers who will register and submit an abstract as first authors, are encouraged to apply for a travel award to attend the ESN-HSN Joint Meeting, in Naxos, Greece.

Successful applicants will be granted financial assistance from ESN, which will cover registration fees, accommodation for the duration of the meeting, and economy travel expenses to Naxos from their home institution, up to a maximum of 500 Euros upon submission of receipts. Awardees will be notified by March 15, 2025.

Application Instructions

After completing your registration and submission of your Abstract, please email the following documents to,

                ESN-HSN Naxos 2025 Secretariat at esn-hsn_naxos2025Secretariat@outlook.com

1. A single pdf file containing,

·         a copy of your Registration form and Abstract,

·         your CV, and

·         a statement of diversity (if applicable)

2. A letter of recommendation on your behalf  

Please note that applicants who have submitted an abstract for oral presentations at the Young Members’ Symposia (YMS, call ended on December 15, 2024) are eligible to apply for a Travel Award to present their work as a poster.

Key Deadlines

Travel Award Applications (with registration): February 15, 2025


Please specify which of the following categories of underrepresentation you relate to. If none of these categories apply to you, but you consider yourself part of an underrepresented minority, kindly provide a brief description.

•    Female

•    LGBTQIA+ individual

•    Individual with a disability, neurodivergence, or chronic health condition

•    First-generation student (the first in your family to pursue higher education), individuals from historically underrepresented racial, ethnic, indigenous, or caste groups in your country of origin, or those from a low socioeconomic background (including individuals from low-income families, with limited social mobility, or living in disadvantaged areas).

•    Experiencing forced migration or displacement due to conflict, human rights abuses, political unrest, or natural disasters

•    Facing difficult personal circumstances (e.g., caregiving responsibilities)

•    Possessor of a passport with limited global mobility (according to the latest Henley Passport Index)

Dr. D. Mangoura

ESN Secretary


Dimitra Mangoura, MD, PhD

Professor-Investigator A

Vice Director, Basic Research Center

Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens

4 Soranou Ephessiou

Athens 11527, Greece 

Office: 30-210-6597087; Lab: 30-210-6597081

Secretariat:  30-210-6597098; FAX: 30-210-6597545

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