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Invitation to: PhD-Course in functional neuroimaging (fMRI)

(3 ECT’s)

October 21 – 25, 2024

University of Bergen,

Department of Biological and Medical Psychology

The course is intended to PhD students holding a Master degree in neuroscience, psychology, natural sciences or equivalent, as well as medical students, taking part in a research-training programme in medicine. The course will give an introduction to the field of neuroimaging. The course is divided into two parts:

The first part is a short theoretical introduction into neuroscience and neuroimaging, covering all relevant aspects on physiology, neuroanatomy, some of the most relevant functional networks, as well as the technical aspects behind structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging and related methods, such as DTI and perfusion measurements.

In the second part, the course will introduce the most relevant experimental techniques, used in functional neuroimaging, as well as the methods, used for analysing functional as well as structural MRI data.

Learning Outcomes: After finishing the course, the students will have basic knowledge of neuroanatomy, and functional neuroimaging approaches. This includes that they learned the technical and physical principles behind magnetic resonance imaging and its different applications, they now what the BOLD effect is and how it could be used for displaying neuronal activations. The students are familiar with the typical experimental fMRI designs, and know the limitations of the different method.

The students got an understanding of the parameters, which are most relevant for designing and fMRI experiment, acquiring and analysing the fMRI data. They will be able to perform the processing of the data and to specify a general linear model, based on the experimental design, they are able to analyse the data within standard fMRI analysis software, and they are able to describe the results in an appropriate way.

Required previous knowledge: There is no prior knowledge necessary, but a basic introduction into Neuroscience is recommended.

The course is intended to PhD students that completed a Master degree in neuroscience, psychology, natural science or equivalent, as well as medical students that take part in a research training programme in medicine (forskerlinjen) or equivalent.

Each student should have access to MATLAB®, preferably on their own laptop.

Course credits  3 ECTS

Contact information Marco Hirnstein, Marco.Hirnstein@uib.no


Limited number of participants: 15, if less than 6 persons signs up the course will be cancelled.

Registration/application here

Further information: https://www.uib.no/en/rs/igsin/56311/courses-and-seminars#phd-course-in-functional-neuroimaging-fmri-

UiBmerke_grayscaleVivian Helen Jacobsen FosseSenior Executive OfficerDepartment of Biological and Medical PsychologyUniversity of Bergenwww.uib.noPhone: +47 55 58 62 26 /+47 975 57 101

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